Stand: 04.02.2025
East Asian Economy and Society
- Hochschule:
- Universität Wien (Uni Wien)
Wien - Studienart:
- Masterstudium
- Studienkennzahl:
- 066/864
- Mindeststudiendauer:
- 4 Semester
- 120
- Durchschnittsdauer:
- 7,2 Semester
- Studiengang:
- Link zum Studiengang
- Studienplan:
- Link zum Studienplan
- Anmeldefrist:
Anmeldung Aufnahmeverfahren Studienjahr 2025/26:
- 03.05.2025 - 03.06.2025
- Voraussetzungen:
- fachlich relevantes Bachelor- oder gleichwertiges Studium
- Aufnahmeverfahren
- Gebühr:
- € 24,70 ÖH-Beitrag plus gegebenenfalls anfallende Studiengebühren im Umfang von €363,36 bzw. €726,72
- Unterrichtssprache:
- Englisch
- Zusatzinfo:
Das Aufnahmeverfahren findet nur einmal jährlich statt.
- Studieninhalt:
- The two-year master‘s programme East Asian Economy and Society (EcoS) is a multidisciplinary degree programme dealing with contemporary societal, political and economic aspects of the East Asian region as a whole.
- We regard East Asia as more than just the sum of countries in that region. Rather than offering „light-versions“ of Chinese, Japanese or Korean Studies, we focus on current transnational and regional issues as well as on comparative approaches. Reflecting on traditions as well as the growing interrelation between Northeast Asia (China, Japan and the two Koreas) and Southeast Asia, we expanded our regular activities in research and teaching to include the ASEAN countries.
- The objective of the programme is to train experts in social science methods who apply their methodological skills to the East Asian region using a multidisciplinary approach. Accordingly, emphasis is put on transnational and regional issues and on comparative analyses.
- Students are equipped with academic research skills as well as the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Graduates have comprehensive knowledge of the economic, political and cultural characteristics of East Asian countries as well as their development. They are able to apply this knowledge to practically relevant issues.
- The study programme consists of five independent modules, a total of 120 ECTS. In module 1, the fundamentals of one East Asian language (Chinese, Japanese or Korean) are taught.
- Students who already hold a Bachelor‘s degree or a similar qualification in one of these languages are required to take courses in a language in which they do not hold such degree or qualification. In modules 2 and 3, students examine economic and political aspects of the East Asian regions within four core mandatory seminars on East Asia’s economic systems, economic development, political systems and international relations.
- In module 4, students are given a certain degree of flexibility and take courses delivering a cultural- historical perspective, including history, sociology, religions and intercultural negotiation. In module 5, previously acquired skills are refreshed and applied to a research theme, which leads to the MA thesis. Students conclude their studies with an MA examination in form of a defensio of their MA thesis.
- EcoS courses are characterised by an international spirit, as more than half of the students come from various countries within Europe or overseas. Students share their knowledge attained from previous studies, creating an
- Berufsmöglichkeiten:
- Politik- und Wirtschaftsberatung
- sicherheitspolitisch oder entwicklungspolitisch ausgerichteten Organisationen
- Banken und Versicherungen
- Studienvertretung:
- Weiterführende Tags:
- Farben:
- blaue Tags zeigen inhaltlich ähnliche Studiengänge